Figure 1
Conversion gain of three types of C7942. The ordinate is an average AD-converter output value created by each X-ray photon. The data points are at energies of 8.1, 10.5, 12.4, 15.0, 21.5, 33.0, 33.2, 36.0, 50.0 and 70.0 keV. The open circles were measured with C7942. The point at 15.0 keV was measured at BL40XU and calibrated with a scintillation counter. The other points for C7942 were measured at BL20B2, calibrated by an ionization chamber using mass–energy attenuation coefficients. The filled squares were measured with C7942HR and the open triangles with C4880MOD. These were measured at BL40XU and calibrated with a scintillation counter. |