Figure 3
Modulation transfer function (MTF) for C7942 (open diamonds), C7942MOD (open triangles) and C7942HR (filled squares). A test chart made of 0.05 mm-thick lead was used. Data for C7942 were obtained at BL20B2 with an X-ray energy of 20 keV. Data for C7942HR and C7942MOD were obtained at BL40XU. A 0.05 mm gold wire was placed in the X-ray beam of 15 keV and used as a point source of fluorescent X-rays. The main energy fractions were those of Lα1 at 9.7 keV and Lβ1 at 11.4 keV. The data points for C7942MOD and C7942 overlap between 5 and 8 line-pairs mm−1. |