bioXAS and metallogenomics
Mo K- and L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopic study of the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex: comparison with MoFe protein in solution and single crystal
aDepartment of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA, bDivision of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Mail Code 114-96, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA, cHoward Hughes Medical Institute, California Institute of Technology, Mail Code 114-96, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA, and dStanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford University, SLAC, 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 69, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
*Correspondence e-mail: hedman@ssrl.slac.stanford.edu
The utility of using 4−-stabilized complex of the MoFe protein with the Fe protein. No major differences are found at Mo between the two protein forms. The excellent quality of the data at both the Mo K and L edges will provide a baseline for analysis of other intermediates in the nitrogenase cycle. A new capability to delineate various contributions in the resting state of FeMoco is being pursued through polarized single-crystal The initial results point to the feasibility of using this technique for the analysis of scattering from the as yet unidentified atom at the center of FeMoco.
to study metalloproteins and, specifically, the enzyme complex nitrogenase, is highlighted by this study comparing both the structural and Mo-localized electronic features of the iron–molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) in isolated MoFe protein and in the ADP·AlFKeywords: nitrogenase; EXAFS; XAS; diffraction.
1. Introduction
; Howard & Rees, 1996
; Smith, 1999
; Christiansen et al., 2001
; Igarashi & Seefeldt, 2003
) according to the following general reaction,
Nitrogenase is composed of the Fe protein, a homodimer that contains one nucleotide binding site per subunit and a single [4Fe–4S] cluster at the dimer interface, and the MoFe protein, an α2β2 heterotetramer that contains two unique metalloclusters, the [8Fe–7S] P-cluster and FeMoco, a [Mo–7Fe–9S–X]-homocitrate iron–molybdenum cofactor (Fig. 1). Catalysis is believed to occur at FeMoco following nucleotide-dependent from the Fe protein. In the kinetic scheme proposed by Thorneley & Lowe (1983
, 1985
), the [4Fe–4S] cluster in the Fe protein cycles between the 1+ and 2+ redox states as it sequentially transfers electrons to the MoFe protein during a series of rate-limiting component protein–protein complex formation and dissociation reactions. Binding and hydrolysis of MgATP by the Fe protein occur concomitant with each complex formation–dissociation step. Unlike similar nucleotide binding proteins, the Fe protein cannot hydrolyze ATP in the absence of its complex component, the MoFe protein. If one electron is transferred per Fe protein cycle, then eight such cycles are needed to reduce one N2 molecule. The Fe protein can be reduced in vitro to the all-ferrous state, raising the possibility that two electrons may be transferred per cycle instead of one, although the low reduction potential could preclude accessing this state in vivo (Angove et al., 1997
; Guo et al., 2002
). Either way, the requirement for multiple electrons suggests that electrons are transferred to the MoFe protein and then stored, perhaps at the P-cluster, before substrate reduction occurs.
![]() | Figure 1 A structural model of FeMoco created from the deposited coordinates of the 1.16 Å resolution MoFe protein crystal structure (PDB 1M1N). The identity of the atom at the cluster center is still unknown but believed to be N, O or C (Einsle et al., 2002 ![]() |
To better understand the roles of the component protein interaction and nucleotide hydrolysis in 4−-stabilized Fe protein–MoFe protein complex has been studied (Duyvis et al., 1996; Renner & Howard, 1996
). Aluminium fluoride is widely used as a γ-phosphate mimic to study the transition state of nucleotide hydrolysis (Wittinghofer, 1997
). Because ATP hydrolysis only occurs in the complex between the Fe protein and the MoFe protein, treatment of the component proteins together with MgADP and AlF4− stabilizes this complex. The Azotobacter vinelandii stabilized nitrogenase complex is not active in acetylene reduction or hydrogen evolution, which presumably indicates that FeMoco is not in a state that mimics turnover conditions (Duyvis et al., 1996
; Renner & Howard, 1996
; Yousafzai & Eady, 1999
). Obligate hydrogen evolution, a process requiring two electrons, has been shown to occur, however, in the Klebsiella pneumoniae ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex and in a tight complex of Azotobacter vinelandii MoFe protein with Clostridium pasteurianum Fe protein (Clarke et al., 2000
; Miller et al., 2001
). EPR studies on both A. vinelandii and K. pneumoniae ADP·AlF4−-stabilized complexes did not show a major change in the electronic properties of FeMoco in the complex from that of the resting state, although the Fe protein and the P-cluster were shown to be in one-electron oxidized states (Spee et al., 1998
; Miller et al., 2001
Crystallography on the A. vinelandii stabilized nitrogenase complex was instrumental in identifying a putative pathway, stretching from the [4Fe–4S] center of the Fe protein through the P-cluster to FeMoco (Schindelin et al., 1997; Schmid et al., 2002
). However, the resolution of the three-dimensional structure at 2.3 Å is such that small changes in the FeMoco structure would not be observed. A theoretical analysis of potential pathways in MoFe protein using the program HARLEM identified the Mo-bound homocitrate on FeMoco as the favored end point of from the P-cluster to FeMoco (Igarashi & Seefeldt, 2003
), which suggests that changes may be taking place at the Mo site of FeMoco in the nitrogenase complex that have not yet been observed. Here we present a detailed comparison of the electronic and structural properties of the Mo site in the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex and isolated FeMoco through Mo-K and Mo-L edge studies and K-edge extended fine-structure (EXAFS) analyses. Additionally, we provide a comparison of the edge and features of the MoFe protein in solution and in an oriented single crystal.
2. Experimental
2.1. Protein sample preparation
Azotobacter vinelandii MoFe protein and Fe protein were isolated and purified according to published protocols (Wolle et al., 1992) and kept under rigorously anaerobic conditions. Isolated MoFe protein was prepared in 50 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride buffer (Tris-HCl) (pH 7.7) containing 200 mM NaCl and Na2S2O4. The ADP·AlF4− complex was prepared by mixing MoFe protein with a sixfold excess of Fe protein in a 50 mM Tris-HCl and 100 mM 3-(4-morpholino)propane sulfonic acid (MOPS) (pH 7.3) solution containing 100 mM NaCl, 6 mM NaF, 0.25 mM AlCl3, 6 mM MgCl2, 5 mM Na2ATP, 15 mM phosphocreatine, 0.1 mg ml−1 creatine phosphokinase and 5 mM Na2S2O4. The reaction was run overnight to ensure complete complex formation. The ADP·AlF4− complex was separated from unreacted Fe protein by gel-filtration on a Superdex S200 column. The samples were prepared by several concentration and dilution cycles with an Amicon stirred cell (YM50 membrane) using the aforementioned buffers. Following complex formation and concentration, 35% glycerol was added to the buffer for the ADP·AlF4− complex as a glassing agent. The final protein concentrations in the samples were ∼300 mg ml−1 or ∼2.6 mM in Mo for the Av1 isolate and ∼200 mg ml−1 or ∼1.1 mM in Mo for the complex.
MoFe protein crystals were obtained using sitting-drop vapor diffusion under anaerobic conditions. The protein solution was 20–30 mg ml−1 in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) with 200 mM NaCl. 13% polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG) in 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 0.9 M NaCl was used as the precipitant. Crystals appeared overnight and were allowed to grow for several weeks, at which point they were exchanged into 20% 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol for cryoprotection, mounted on size-16 Hamilton pins with nylon loops, and frozen in liquid N2.
The protein solution samples were frozen in liquid N2 and shipped over dry ice. After arrival at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL), the samples were gently thawed in sealed vials under continuous Ar purge in an anaerobic chamber. The chamber was taken into a Vacuum Atmospheres inert-atmosphere (N2) dry glovebox prior to opening. For L-edge experiments the proteins were transferred by syringe into sealed cryostat cells with 6.25 µm polypropylene windows and maintained at 277 K in a He-purged atmosphere throughout data collection. For K-edge experiments, the proteins were transferred by syringe into nylon cells, which were then sealed. The cells were flash frozen in liquid N2 immediately following removal from the glovebox and stored at 77 K until data collection.
2.2. data collection
All X-ray absorption data were collected at SSRL under normal conditions (3.0 GeV, 60–100 mA). The Mo L-edge spectra were measured using the 54-pole wiggler beamline 6-2, in high-field mode with a Ni-coated harmonic rejection mirror and a fully tuned Si(111) double-crystal monochromator. A detailed description of the experimental set-up has been previously published (Hedman et al., 1988). The X-ray energy was calibrated to the maximum in the first pre-edge feature of the S K-edge spectrum of Na2S2O3·5H2O set at 2472.02 eV. Powder samples of Na2S2O3·5H2O were run before and after data collection. The data were measured as fluorescence using a N2-filled Lytle detector over the energy range 2450–2810 eV, which includes the S-K, Mo-L3 and Mo-L2 edges. An energy step of 0.1 eV was used over the edge regions, with a step of 0.5 eV in the interim and a maximum step size of 4 eV over the post-edge.
The solution Mo K-edge spectra were measured using the unfocused eight-pole 1.8 T wiggler beamline 7-3, using a Si(220) double-crystal monochromator, which was detuned by 25% to minimize the presence of harmonic components. During data collection, the samples were maintained at 10 K in an Oxford Instruments CF1208 continuous-flow liquid-He cryostat. Data were collected as Mo Kα fluorescence using a Canberra 30-element solid-state Ge detector. The X-ray energy was calibrated to the inflection point at 20003.9 eV of a standard Mo foil measured concurrent with the protein samples between two ionization chambers in line with the cryostat. For the isolated MoFe protein, 15 scans to a k value of 18 Å−1 and 16 scans to a k value of 22 Å−1 were collected; 28 scans to a k value of 18 Å−1 were collected for the nitrogenase complex.
The single-crystal Mo K-edge spectra were measured using the 16-pole, 2.0 T wiggler beamline 9-3, with a fully tuned Si(220) double-crystal monochromator, and two Rh-coated mirrors, one flat pre-monochromator mirror for harmonic rejection and vertical collimation, and one toroidal post-monochromator mirror for vertical and horizontal focusing. A detailed description of the single-crystal beamline is found in a separate article in this issue (Latimer et al., 2005). The protein crystal, which was approximately cubic in shape and measured ∼500 µm in each direction, was mounted on a Huber Kappa goniometer and maintained at 108 K with an Oxford Instruments liquid-N2 cryostream. data were measured and calibrated as described above for solution samples. 20 scans to a k value of 18 Å−1 were collected.
2.3. X-ray diffraction data collection and unit-cell determination
X-ray diffraction data were measured at 0.992 Å (12300 eV) with a Mar Research CCD 165 detector on beamline 9-3 in the configuration described above. 5 s exposures about a 1° φ-rotation at three different κ and ω angles were collected prior to the start of the experiment. Using the program MOSFLM (version 6.2.1) (Leslie, 1992), the crystal was determined to have P21 symmetry with unit-cell dimensions of a = 80.1 Å, b = 130.2 Å, c = 108.1 Å, β = 111.0°. This crystal form is known to contain one molecule in the (Kim & Rees, 1992
2.4. data analysis
The energy scales of the Mo L-edge spectra were internally calibrated by aligning the first pre-edge peak at ∼2474.2 eV of the S K edge of S2O42−, which was present as an oxygen scavenger in both protein samples, and which was externally calibrated to S2O32− as described above. The S K edge was normalized to an edge jump of 1.0 at 2510 eV. As the S underlie the Mo L edge, a conventional pre-edge subtraction and normalization of the data was not feasible. Following the procedure of George et al. (1990) and using the program suite EXAFSPAK (George, 1990
), the background structure in the Mo L edge was approximated by fitting two cubic polynomials in 10 eV intervals over a 20 eV segment centered at the edge. The polynomial intervals were extrapolated through the edge region and constrained to join smoothly. This cubic spline was then subtracted from the data, to give the resulting Mo L-edge spectra.
The Mo K-edge data were normalized using the program XFIT (Ellis & Freeman, 1995) by first subtracting a linear background absorbance that was fit to the pre-edge region and extended over the post-edge, followed by fitting a four-segment polynomial spline over the region, and finally by normalizing the resulting absorbance spectra to an edge jump of 1.0 at 20020 eV. The data between k values of 2 Å−1 and 18 Å−1 were fit using EXAFSPAK (George, 1990
) to ab initio theoretical phase and amplitude functions generated by FEFF (version 7.0) (Mustre de Leon et al., 1991
; Rehr & Albers, 2000
) from the coordinates of FeMoco in the 1.16 Å-resolution MoFe protein [PDB file 1M1N (Einsle et al., 2002
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Nitrogenase complex structural results
Previous K-edge spectrum is sensitive to the long-range order in the cluster of the FeMo cofactor (Liu et al., 1994). Specifically, these studies identified a peak in the Fourier transform at ∼4.8 Å corresponding to Mo–Fe scattering, which should be drastically affected by a loss of symmetry in the cluster. Therefore, a comparison of the data (Fig. 2
) and fitting results (Table 1
) for the isolated MoFe protein and the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex would highlight even subtle changes in the FeMoco structure if any occurred upon complex formation. Accounting for the noise level of the data, there does not appear to be any difference in the structure of these two species. The spectra and the fit parameters are almost identical except for a slight increase in the disorder associated with the 5.09 Å Fe–Fe scattering interaction in the nitrogenase complex, attributable to the poorer data quality of this sample. The absence of any change to the Mo in the putative transition-state complex provides structural evidence that the FeMoco cluster is not deformed at this stage in the enzyme cycle.
![]() | Figure 2 The Mo K-edge (a) and Fourier transforms (b) for isolated MoFe protein in solution (blue) and single crystal (green), and the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex (red). Note that the MoFe protein crystal data approximate the quality of the solution data even though it represents an average of fewer scans. |
3.2. Nitrogenase complex electronic results
To assess the electronic state of the Mo center in FeMoco, the L3- and L2-edge spectra were recorded. These edges probe transitions from the 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 initial states. The `white line' feature arises from a 2p → 4d transition (Hedman et al., 1984). This feature is composed of two components, previously assigned in isolated FeMoco as α and β, which are due to of the Mo 4d orbitals and, therefore, provide a means of probing changes in the symmetry about Mo (Hedman et al., 1988
). The Mo L edge has been shown to be sensitive to the of the Mo center, exhibiting an ∼3 eV range across the Mo oxidation states +4 through +6 for octahedral complexes, and is also sensitive to changes in ligation (Hedman et al., 1984
; George et al., 1990
). The Mo K edge, which probes transitions from the 1s orbital, is also sensitive to electronic changes at the Mo center, but the edge features are broadened by the extended core-hole lifetime and the decreased monochromator resolution at this energy, limiting the scope of analysis (Hedman et al., 1984
Fig. 3 displays the Mo L3 and L2 edges, with the associated second derivatives, of isolated MoFe protein and the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex. The Mo L edge lies ∼50 eV above the S K edge in energy, leading to complications in the L-edge background from S features. The differing S environments and concentrations in these proteins make background subtraction and normalization at the Mo L edge difficult. Therefore, the intensities of the L edges displayed here are not quantitative and the intensity differences seen in these spectra are not accurate. Unaffected, and of particular relevance, however, is the similarity in the splitting and position of the `white line' features in these proteins, exemplified by the correlation in their second derivatives. The MoFe proteins in both the as-isolated and the stabilized complex states have similar Mo edge features within the noise level of the data. This result indicates a lack of electronic, ligation or major geometric change at the Mo center upon complex formation. The Mo K edges shown in Fig. 4
further support this conclusion, as they are also identical, within the experimental limits, for isolated and complexed MoFe protein.
![]() | Figure 3 The Mo L3 (a) and L2 (b) edge spectra with smoothed second derivatives (dotted lines) for solution samples of isolated MoFe protein (blue) and the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex (red). The edge spectra cannot be directly overlaid owing to differences in the background absorption, but the second derivatives show good agreement within the noise level of the data. |
![]() | Figure 4 The Mo K-edge spectra with smoothed second derivatives (dotted lines) for isolated MoFe protein in solution (blue) and single crystal (green), and the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex (red). |
The analyses presented here provide an extremely sensitive probe of differences in the order and local structure of FeMoco and the electronic environment of the Mo atom in FeMoco between isolated MoFe protein and the nitrogenase complex. Taken together, the K-edge and the L-edge structure comparisons indicate that the FeMoco cluster is not perturbed from the perspective of Mo in the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex. This study would not be sensitive to electronic changes at Fe, nor to slight structural changes at the Fe sites, such as the binding of a light atom that would not lead to changes in the interatomic Mo—Fe distances or order in the cluster. Therefore, the conclusions presented here, while in agreement with previous structural, biochemical and EPR results (Duyvis et al., 1996; Schindelin et al., 1997
; Spee et al., 1998
) and the Thorneley–Lowe kinetic scheme, which does not predict activity at the FeMoco center until several cycles of Fe protein complexation have occurred (Thorneley & Lowe, 1985
), do not completely eliminate the possibility that some minor change has occurred at Fe in FeMoco in the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized complex. A lack of change in the Mo environment of FeMoco in the complex strongly implies that minimal change has occurred at FeMoco and, therefore, raises questions as to how the MoFe protein and its metalloclusters are affected by the cycle of complex formation and If FeMoco is indeed the site of substrate reduction and the ultimate acceptor of the transferred electrons, as it is believed to be, the study of the Mo K- and L-edge properties detailed here will provide a necessary background for evaluating the changes that take place at this center in a protein representative of a more advanced transition state, assuming that such changes are large enough to affect the Mo site.
3.3. MoFe protein solution versus single-crystal data
The recent discovery of a central atom in the FeMoco cluster of isolated MoFe protein (Einsle et al., 2002) provides renewed interest for using to analyze the structure of FeMoco in the nitrogenase protein. Although, like crystallography, cannot distinguish between scatterers of similar it would provide a line of structural evidence towards the nature of the interstitial atom. The ability to detect scattering from this atom would rely on Mo–X–Fe multiple scattering along the almost linear cluster axis. This scattering pathway, at approximately 7.0 Å, approaches the distance limit of (Rehr & Albers, 2000
) and, therefore, would not be resolvable in a typical isotropic solution experiment but could likely be detected in a polarized experiment on protein crystals.
Polarized ). In analyzing the polarized allows for a more complete analysis by facilitating the assignment of spectral features, providing specific information about the px, py and pz orbitals in some cases, and allowing for unambiguous separation of quadrupole and dipole contributions (Hahn et al., 1982
; Smith et al., 1984
). For the experiment, the angular dependence is included in N*, the effective polarization-dependent At the K edge, N* = 3Ncos2θ, where θ is defined as the angle between the polarization vector and an absorber-scatter vector (Lee, 1976
). Hence, polarization can provide a threefold enhancement of a well aligned feature (Pickering & George, 1995
). In the case of the MoFe protein, spectra collected with the polarization vector aligned parallel and perpendicular to the Mo–X–Fe axis should show either an enhanced or absent signal from the collinear scattering vector. Given adequate data quality, the comparison of these two alignments could provide additional insight as to the position and scattering properties of atom X.
Polarized et al., 1986; Chen et al., 1993
). However, advances in technology have made it possible to collect data of significantly better resolution, enabling the confident determination of long-range parameters. Further, previous studies relied on mounting pre-oriented crystals, whereas the newly designed single-crystal beamline instrumentation at SSRL, which allows for simultaneous X-ray absorption and diffraction measurements, enables orientation determination, alignment and re-alignment of protein crystals as part of the experiment (Latimer et al., 2005
). After a crystal is mounted, its initial orientation can be determined from diffraction data, and then the appropriate positions for measurement can be selected by the Kappa goniometer, which has a large degree of crystal-positioning capability.
Fig. 2 shows an overlay of the and Fourier transforms from solution and crystal MoFe protein. The data for the crystal represent an average of 20 scans and are as good as, or better than, the average of 31 scans from a protein solution at the upper limit of solution concentration. The overlay of the Mo K edges from the solution and single-crystal protein samples in Fig. 4
further highlights the quality of the data that was collected for the single crystal. The slight difference in the edge position is possibly due to polarization effects, the details of which will be pursued in future experiments, or may be due to the difference in the energy resolution of the two beamlines on which data were collected. Table 1
describes the fitting parameters for the single-crystal and solution MoFe proteins. Given the excellent data quality in both the crystal and solution experiments, it is possible to make a one-to-one comparison between these data sets. Although the of the crystal do show some polarization effects, especially with respect to E0 and the low-Z atoms, the distances for the scattering vectors are virtually identical in solution and in the crystal. The crystallographically determined average Mo environment is similar to that found by but with shorter distances for most of the interactions (Einsle et al., 2002
). Similar differences in selected distances determined by and crystallography have also been established through restrained-refinement approaches to analysis (Strange et al., 2003
In this initial study, ) and indicate, however, that detecting this atom using the polarized approach and instrumentation is potentially feasible, especially if more scans to a higher k-range are measured.
![]() | Figure 5 A MarCCD image of the X-ray diffraction at 0.99 Å from the MoFe protein crystal. The image represents a 5 s exposure about a 1° rotation in φ from an approximately cubic crystal measuring ∼500 µm in each direction. |
4. Conclusion
The Mo-K- and Mo-L-edge edge and K-edge analyses presented here provide a detailed comparison of isolated MoFe protein in solution with that in a single crystal and with the ADP·AlF4−-stabilized nitrogenase complex in solution. Our results indicate a lack of perturbation of either the Mo electronic environment or local structure upon nitrogenase complex formation facilitated by ADP·AlF4− in agreement with previous findings, but at a more detailed resolution. The double-edge studies on the isolated and complexed MoFe proteins highlight the utility of in studying the nitrogenase system and, more importantly, provide a baseline for future studies on nitrogenase intermediates. Additionally, we show that the FeMoco cluster has the same structure in both a MoFe protein solution and single crystal, which indicates that intermediates generated in either protein solutions or crystals may be compared with the native MoFe protein data presented here. Lastly, our initial study of an oriented MoFe protein crystal using the new SSRL single-crystal capability points to the feasibility of utilizing this technique to determine information about the as yet poorly characterized atom in the center of the FeMoco cluster.
‡Current Address: Abteilung für Molekulare Strukturbiologie, Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, 37077 Göttingen, Germany.
This work was supported by NIH grants RR-01209 (KOH) and GM45162 (DCR). The X-ray data were measured at SSRL, a national user facility operated by Stanford University on behalf of the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Research Resources, Biomedical Technology Program and by the DOE, Office of Biological and Environmental Research.
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