Rapid data collection, simplified spectral analysis and built-in calibration port are some of the features of the newest McPherson 1 m monochromator, Model 225. This instrument resolves 0.01 nm and is a useful tool in experimental physics of high-temperature plasma and highly charged ions (electron beam ion trap experiments, for example). Benefits include interchangeable triple-grating turrets, dual entrance and exit port configurations, and readily available diffraction gratings for the 30 to 1000 nm wavelength region. The Model 225 has clean stainless-steel vacuum construction with minimal Viton o-ring seals to pump easily to the 10−8 torr region. Multiple port configurations make it easy to mount high-sensitivity fast detectors like channel-electron-multipliers or photomultipliers. It is also easy to mount slower CCD detectors. A unique McPherson focal plane tip/tilt drive augments direct detection CCDs. This allows optimizing focus across the entire detector regardless of the wavelength selected.
The McPherson Model 225 is readily available. Some options to your instrument build include ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) compatibility to 10−10 torr. We can also produce units with longer focal lengths, up to 6.65 m, for high-resolution applications.