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Figure 2
[R_4^4](16) ring motifs in (a) hexagonal L-cystine and (b) α-glycine, as viewed perpendicular to the c- and b-axes, respectively; the figures correspond to N⋯O distances in N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. (c) [R_4^4](16) ring motifs created by interlaced CH⋯O and NH⋯O interactions in cystine as viewed perpendicular to the c-axis. The black dotted lines represent the ring motif as created by NH⋯O hydrogen bonds [cf. (a)], while the orange dotted lines show the interlaced ring motif as created by CH⋯O interactions. In (a) and (c) only the basic α-amino acid unit involved within the ring motif is shown for the sake of clarity. Colour scheme: C, grey; H, white; O, red; N, blue.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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