Figure 11
Error diagrams for type I spectrometers constructed using silver (top panel), tungsten (middle panel) and gold (bottom panel). The discontinuity in the top panel is due to the silver K-edge. Discontinuities in the W and Au data are due to L-edge effects. Of these elements, only silver is able to provide good energy measurements out to 60 keV. Au (K-edge 80 keV) and W (K-edge 69 keV) could be employed to good effect in spectrometers working up to 100 keV. Simulations all assume that I0 is 10000. Silver simulation consists of 30 (filled squares), 60 (open squares), 90 (filled diamonds), 120 (open diamonds), 150 (filled circles), 180 (open circles) and 210 µm (crosses) foil thickness. Tungsten and gold simulations consist of 15 (filled squares), 25 (open squares), 35 (filled diamonds), 45 (open diamonds), 55 (filled circles), 65 (open circles) and 75 µm (crosses) foils. |