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Figure 5
Averaged oscilloscope trace of the cross-correlation profile between the Ti:sapphire laser and the optical klystron radiation. The pulse-frequency difference is [\Delta = 12\,300\,{\rm Hz}] and the increment of delay is [\Delta /(\,f_1 \,f_2) = 1.79\,{\rm ps}]. One sampling sequence completes in Δ−1 = 80 µs. The upper time scale, as an equivalent time, is obtained from the lower time scale after division by [f_1 /\Delta {\rm }.] The PMT was terminated with 50 Ω impedance, giving a bandwidth of [F \,\ge\, 100\,{\rm MHz}]. Repetitive spikes correspond to the Ti:sapphire pulse train. The slightly rugged envelope on the trace even after averaging is a result of the limited sampling rate of the oscilloscope for this sweep time range.

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