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Figure 12
Calculated (a) maximum flux gains and (b) capillary beam sizes of several different sources, against the capillary slope errors for a capillary of 30 mm focal distance and relative length of 1.7. The parameters used in the calculations are assumed to be: ESRF ID13 (FWHMx = 123 µm, FWHMz = 23 µm, source–image distance of 34 m); Cornell ERL 2 m undulator (FWHMx = FWHMz = 8.6 µm, source–image distance of 25 m); CHESS D and B2 parameters can be found in Table 2[link]. The 20 nm focal spot of the ERL source, which is close to the 10 nm diffraction limit, should be checked with wave theory for more accurate calculations.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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