Figure 6
Pulse-height response of reach-through APDs with fast electronics as measured by scanning the window of a fast discriminator. (a) 6 and 14.4 keV response of the 5 mm × 5 mm C30626 device from PKI at low rates. Note the tail in the 14.4 keV response owing to penetration into the gain region (see Baron et al., 1997 ). (b) Effect of count rate at 14 keV. (c) Pulse-height response with a 3 mm-diameter SPL2625 from Hamamatsu at 16.5 keV (see Kishimoto, 1998b ). Note the centroid shift as the rate increases in (b) and (c). (d) Response of the C30626 device (in the ESRF package system, see §7 ) as a function of operating voltage for 6 keV X-rays at about 1 Mcount s−1. The broadening from 21% (280 V) to 27% (380 V) with increased gain is typical for this device. Vertical and horizontal scales have been adjusted for convenient display; however, the zero is well defined. |