Figure 7
Comparison of detector performance at 5.9 keV using Mn Kα1,2 fluorescence. The spectrum for the cryogenic Si calorimeter with an energy resolution of 5.7 eV FWHM is a summed composite from the 36-channel array launched on the X-ray satellite ASTRO-E2 in 2005 (Stahle et al., 2004 ; Porter et al., 2005 ). Magnetic microcalorimeters have achieved an energy resolution of 3.4 eV at 5.9 keV (Fleischmann et al., 2004 ). The four fluorescence spectra on manganese samples in different oxidation states taken with a Si(440) crystal spectrometer are shown for comparison. Note that Kβ lines exhibit larger chemical shifts with oxidation state than Kα lines (Bergmann et al., 1999 ). |