Figure 3
Radiation damage at the active-site residues Asp 168 and His 195. In panel A, the (2Fo − Fc) OMIT map (in blue) (calculated after simulated annealing, omitting a sphere of 3.5 Å around Asp 168 and His 195) is contoured at the 2.0σ level for the reference model 1. In panels B and C, the difference electron density maps Fo 2-Fo 1 and Fo 3-Fo 1 (negative contours in red and positive contours in green drawn at ±3.5σ levels) are overlaid on the reference model 1. The red difference density seen around Asp 168 is indicative of decarboxylation, and the positive and negative difference density peaks on His 195 indicate a conformational change. |