Figure 5
(a) Real-time Raman online ROI monitoring of a double-brominated DNA crystal during continuous X-ray exposure on beamline ID14-EH2. Debromination can be followed from the decay of the 293 cm−1 band as a function of dose. (b) Bromine occupancy calculated from the ratio of integrated intensities of the Raman bands 293 cm−1 and 335 cm−1 (I293/I335) as a function of X-ray dose. The data can be fitted to the single exponential q(d) = 0.97 exp(−1.4 × 10−7 × d) with an R2 value of 0.991 and corresponds to a decay constant of 7.1 MGy. (c) Bromine occupancy refined using SHARP against 20 MX data sets collected on ID14-EH4 as a function of dose. The averaged data can be fitted to the single exponential q(d) = 0.98 exp(−3.2 × 10−7 × d) with an R2 value of 0.991 and corresponds to a decay constant of 3.1 MGy. |