Figure 2
Microtomographic images of CNS. (a) Overall image (dorsal view), showing right and left supraesophageal ganglions and ventral nerve cord. Electron densities are colored from the background level (black, corresponding to a linear absorption coefficient of less than 5 cm−1), to low level (blue, 10 cm−1), to high level (green, 35 cm−1). (b) Frontal view of the three-dimensional structure. The dorsal is to the top. CT densities were rendered by integrating the absorption of each voxel using VG Studio MAX software. (c) Stereoview around the left supraesophageal ganglion showing internal neural structure. The sharp arc was noise from the reconstruction calculation. CT densities were rendered using the maximum intensity projection method. Transmission radiographs for CT analysis were recorded using 12 keV X-rays. SeG: supraesophageal ganglion; VNC: ventral nerve cord; Ped: peduncle of the mushroom body; DL: dorsal lobe; ML: medial lobe; OL: optic lobe; KC: Kenyon cells and calyx. Scale bars: 50 µm. |