Figure 2
The output pulse of a Ge detector. The pulse shape is slightly asymmetric Gaussian, and different cases of the sum of two adjacent identical pulses are shown. The leading edge width is 0.48 µs, and the trailing edge width is 0.52 µs. The assigned pulse heights are indicated by small circles. In (b) and (c) the second maximum is higher than the first due to the asymmetric pulse shape. In (a) the almost simultaneous pulses are counted as a single pulse of double height; in (b) the signal has fallen less than 10% from the first peak value and the second maximum is recorded as the peak height; in (c) the fall is larger than 10%, and the first maximum is recorded as the peak height; and in (d) two separate peaks are recorded when the valley is lower than the threshold. Cases (a), (b) and (c) lead to dead-time loss, but also lead to pile-up signal between ∊0 and 2∊0, where ∊0 is the height of the single pulse. |