Figure 8
Whole-pattern fit to the EDD spectrum scattered from a standard Fe sample. The solid angle subtended by the detector is small in order to eliminate the effects of pile-up. The pattern includes the Bragg reflections, a function describing the thermal diffuse scattering, which peaks under the Bragg reflections and equals the part lost from the Bragg reflections due to thermal motion, Compton scattering, and parasitic Pb fluorescence from shielding. The total intensity of the background scattering is given by the thick line, and the inelastic part is indicated by the broken line. The spectral brightness [photons s−1 mrad−2 (0.1% bandwidth)−1 (100 mA)−1] of the radiation from the ID15 asymmetrical multipole wiggler (AMPW), as calculated using the integrated intensities of the Bragg reflections from Al (circles) and Fe (crosses) powder samples, is given in the inset. The solid line is calculated from source parameters, including the effects of beam filters. |