Figure 1
(a) Schematic layout of station 9.1 (side view). Monochromatic X-rays are selected from white radiation (w) by a double-bounce silicon monochromator (mono). The beam size is defined by a collimator/pinhole assembly (c) prior to entering the diamond-anvil cell (dac). X-rays are detected by an image plate (ip). (b) Schematic layout of station 9.5 (top view). White radiation (w) strikes the (100) face of a silicon crystal (mono), with vertical edges parallel to (110). The (111) reflection is selected by rotating to the Bragg angle (θ) required for a chosen energy. We use λ = 0.44397 Å (27.93 keV), calibrating on the In absorption edge. Bending the crystal focuses the monochromatic beam. The focused sideways-deflected monochromatic X-ray beam passes along an evacuated beam tube, and is defined by a pinhole/collimator assembly prior to entering the diamond-anvil cell (dac). An image plate (ip) records the diffraction pattern. |