Figure 3
Recorded (a) temperature, (b) transmitted visible light intensity through crossed polarizers, (c) transmitted visible light intensity, (d) diffracted intensity at selected wide angles in the equatorial plane and (e) scattered intensity over a range of small angles in the meridional region for an experiment with shear at 0.093 MPa for 2 s at 433 K. The shearing temperature is held for 20 min (1200 s), and then the polymer is cooled down to 403 K (a). During shear, only I⊥/(I∥ + I⊥) detects structure formation [inset of (b)]. During the subsequent 1200 s at 433 K, no evidence of structure was detected (b)–(e). Upon cooling, growth of strongly oriented crystallites is evident (e) that include both α- and γ-morphs (d). Growth of oriented crystals produces strong birefringence (b) and light scattering (c). The inset in (d) shows an equatorial 1DWAXD scattering pattern acquired at t = 2830 s where both α- and γ-phase crystalline peaks can be discerned. The area under the peak (after baseline subtraction) is calculated for each point in time. The inset in (e) shows a typical 2DSAXS pattern for highly oriented lamellae. In the meridional region the intensity enclosed in a rectangle is integrated and represents a measure of the evolution of oriented lamellae when plotted for each point in time. |