Figure 5
Dispersion relationships for the diffusion (Γ = Dq2), shear (ΓS = vφq) and transit (Γtr = v/s) relaxation rates. The (example) values used here to estimate Γ, ΓS and Γtr were D = 1.7 × 107 Å2 s−1, φ = 0.01 (0.5°) and v = 58.5 µm s−1. The thick solid line highlights the q region that could, in principle, be accessed by XPCS. With the flow parameters chosen here, this is also the region where the thermal diffusion dominates the dynamic signal and can be measured by XPCS. The experimental points show the relaxation rates measured with the static, v = 0 (squares), and the v = 58.5 µm s−1 (triangles) samples. |