Figure 3
Longitudinal sections of the intensity of reflected pulses Ih(zp) along the normal N at xp = 0 in cases of symmetric (a) and asymmetric (b) Bragg reflections. Long (τ01 = 10 fs) and short (τ02 = 1 fs) Gaussian pulses with amplitudes A1 = A2 = 1 [curves 1 and 2 in (a) ] are incident on a crystal with time interval Δt12 = 20 fs. Thickness of the crystal d = 5 µm. (a) Dashed curve 3 is the total reflected pulse, angle φh = 0. (b) Distance from the crystal R = 0 (curve 1), R = 2 m (curve 2) and R = 5 m (curve 3). The asymmetry coefficient of the reflection b = −2, critical distance RD = 1.6 m, angle of inclination of the reflected pulse φh = 23.65°. |