Figure 10
Schematic illustration revealing the relationship between image contrast and objective lens acceptance illustrated within the context of geometrical optics for each resolution element, δx||. (a) When the in-plane spatial resolution is sufficiently small, the observed image contrast derives from the deflection of the X-ray beam reflected in the vicinity of the step to an angle outside of the objective lens aperture. Here the orange and black regions of the reflected X-ray field indicate the increase and decrease of reflected photon intensity, respectively, with respect to that associated with scattering from a flat terrace region. The enhanced X-ray field is reflected at a different angle owing to the locally tilted surface plane (indicated by the dashed line) within a single resolution element that includes the step. The step is observed as a dark line on the image since the X-rays reflected from the step are deflected outside of the objective lens aperture. If the objective lens were made sufficiently large so as to accept the locally reflected beam, the image contrast would be eliminated since all photons reflected from this region would be imaged at the step location on the image plane. |