Figure 5
Schematics of (a) full-field and (b) scanning probe imaging configurations. The yellow regions indicate the X-ray beam incident to and reflecting from a surface with a single step and measured with (a) an area detector and (b) a scintillator (`point') detector. The image in (a) appears on the camera (as a function of detector position, ximage) having a spatial resolution δx||. In the scanning probe configuration (b), the image is obtained by plotting the full reflected beam intensity as a function of sample position, xsample. The blue dashed lines in (a) indicate ray paths of an X-ray beam with the same numerical aperture and beam size as found in the microprobe configuration. In this case the reflected beam is imaged as a single bright spot on the detector (blue peak in the plot). A full image is obtained on the area detector when the sample position, xsample, is rastered, thereby `painting' the image on the detector. [Note that the microprobe beam shown as dashed lines in (a) will actually fully illuminate the objective lens since the sample to objective lens distance is much larger than δx||.] |