Figure 6
Model intensity calculations for a surface topography (with atom positions shown as blue points) with a single monomolecular step height of 0.65 nm at x = 0. The red circles indicate the illuminated region on the surface (a) on a terrace and (b) centered on a step for a beam having an assumed 10 nm lateral footprint (within the surface plane). (c) and (d) Contour plot of the calculated intensity, I ∝ |F|2, as a function of Qx and Qz (the image uses a linear color map with intensities increasing from blue to red) for the two beam positions shown in (a) and (b), respectively. The tilting and splitting of the truncation rod in (d) is due to the local miscut of the surface over the illuminated region. The horizontal white lines indicate the range of reciprocal space accessible by tilting the sample at L = 0.25. The yellow dot-dashed line in (d) indicates the nodal line in the step structure factor (i.e. zero scattered intensity). |