Figure 5
Experimental (circles) and fitted (blue line) ex situ EXAFS signal [χ(k)k2] of α-ReO2 as a function of the wavenumber k. The ex situ measurements were recorded in transmission mode at room temperature, with averaging over three independent scans at the Re LIII-edge (10.535 keV). The monochromator was a channel-cut Si(111) (2d = 6.271 Å) crystal. The energy calibration was carried out using the first inflection point of the XANES spectrum of Pt (LIII-edge 11.564 keV), Zn (K-edge 9.659 keV) and Ta (LIII-edge 9.881 keV) foils as references. The k range was 0.2 < k < 16.65 Å−1, with Hanning window sills and 1024 points in FFT. |