Figure 6
FFT of the pressure-dependent ReO3 dispersive EXAFS spectra times k2 [χ(k)k2] performed at the Re LIII-edge (10.535 keV). The full line is the output fit from FEFFIT8 times k2 after FFT, using a range 0.2 < k < 10.5 Å−1. The accumulation time for each dispersive XAFS spectrum was 650 ms, and the final spectrum was taken as an average over 50 accumulations. The beam was focused to a spot of size 0.3 × 10−3 m × 0.3 × 10−3 m in the center of the O-ring made of (Hg,Re-1223) superconductor (inner pressure gauge) in which the α-ReO2 and ReO3 were mounted. The I0 (intensity without sample) reference spectrum was obtained using an identical (but empty) pressure cell mounted beside the first one. For each pressure value the I0 spectrum was taken at the same time interval. |