Figure 1
Schematic diagrams of the X-ray measurement set-up at BL40XU in the SPring-8 synchrotron radiation facility. (a) Arrangement for the small-angle X-ray diffraction (SAXS) measurement, (b) arrangement for the wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXRD) measurement, (c) arrangement for the simultaneous SAXS/WAXRD measurement. The numbers indicate the following items: (1) synchrotron X-ray source (SPring-8), (2) two focusing mirrors, (3) collimating pinhole (about 5 µm diameter), (4) guard pinhole (25–50 µm diameter), (5) specimen (thin slice of bovine enamel), (6) remote-controlled vertical translation stage, (7) vacuum pipe to eliminate air scatter, (8) beam stop to avoid exposure of the direct beam on the detector, (9) X-ray detector (an image intensifier combined with a cooled CCD camera), (10) flat-panel X-ray detector, (11) ionization chamber. Approximate distances are: from (1) to (2) 40 m, (2) to (3) 10 m, (3) to (4) 50 mm, (4) to (5) 10 mm, (5) to (8) 3 m in (a). The distance from (5) to (8) in (b) was about 100 mm. |