Figure 4
Small-angle X-ray scattering patterns from bovine enamel recorded with an X-ray image intensifier and a CCD camera. (a) Patterns from the sound and demineralized zones at a depth of about 35 µm from the surface. The exposure time was 100 ms. These patterns show the superposition of two sets of diffraction diagrams with different orientations (Hirota, 1986 ). Approximate directions of the two equators, which are at right angles to the c-axes, are shown by arrows in the pattern from the sound zone. (b) Changes in the total equatorial scattering intensity with the depth in the enamel. Since only the equatorial scatter was observed, the total scattering intensity was obtained by summing the intensity in all directions in the region q > 0.094 nm−1. Three scans in different areas were made in the sound and demineralized zones of each enamel sample, and the results were averaged in each area. Then, to compensate for the difference in the thickness of the sample, the result from each area was normalized by the average intensity in the 150–200 µm region. The plot is an average of data from five samples of different teeth. (c) Equatorial intensity profiles at a depth of about 35 µm from the surface in sound and demineralized enamels. (d) Equatorial intensity profiles at four different depths (10, 40, 120, 200 µm) from the surface in demineralized enamel. |