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Figure 5
Data on bovine enamel by the simultaneous SAXS/WAXRD/transmission measurement. (a) WAXRD pattern recorded by a CMOS flat-panel detector from the sound zone. The arrow indicates the equatorial (100) reflection. The exposure time was 1.0 s. The background recorded without the sample was subtracted with a correction for absorption. (b) Change in the integrated intensity of the equatorial (100) reflection from the surface to the deeper region of the sound and demineralized zones. (c) Change in the absorption of X-rays by the enamel slice in the sound and demineralized zones. (d) Change in the integrated intensity of the small-angle scattering from the surface to the deeper region of the sound and demineralized zones. The plots are an average of data from three samples of different teeth. Normalization was not applied.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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