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Figure 3
(a) Temperature dependence of the magnetization of the Gd1−x[R_{x}^{\,\prime}]Al2 compounds measured under an applied magnetic field H = 0.1 T: R′ = Er (blue, filled down triangles), Ho (green, filled circles) and Dy (red, filled triangles); and x = 0.25 (solid symbols); x = 0.5 (open symbols). (b) Comparison of the magnetization versus applied magnetic field curves of the pure RAl2 (solid symbols) and Gd0.5[R_{0.5}^{\,\prime}]Al2 (open symbols) compounds for R′ = Er (blue, open down triangles), Ho (green, open circles) and Dy (red, open triangles). This figure is in colour in the electronic version of this paper.

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