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Figure 4
Experimental set-up for measuring the differential stress using a white X-ray beam. Diffraction at fixed angle (2θ ≃ 6°) is obtained using a conical slit with the specimen placed at the tip of the cone. Energy-dispersive spectra are recorded using a multi-detector placed behind the conical slit. Approximate detector positions which define the azimuthal angles δ (see Fig. 1[link]) are indicated by small circles (not to scale). During uniaxial compression, a measure of the differential stress t can be obtained using only two detectors (e.g. detectors 1 and 3, or 1 and 4), although four detectors (1 to 4) are often used. Specimen images are collected on the fluorescent YAG, magnified and recorded using a CCD camera.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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