Figure 6
Resolution functions of PSD scanning, incident photon energy 0.1 meV step relative to elastic line. E = 21.747 keV for the Si(11 11 11) backreflection case. (a) Focus on-Rowland. (b) Focus off-Rowland. For comparison, the uniform temperature case of the analyzer is shown. Optical geometry of L1 = 3 m, l = 200 mm, d = 4.60 mm (a) and d = 3.56 mm (b) are considered here. Angular deviation from ideal surface σ(x,y) = 20 µrad × 20 µrad, source size σss(x,y) = 20 µm × 20 µm and intrinsic Darwin width ΔEint = 0.8 meV are taken into account. (Incident bandwidth is eliminated.) |