Figure 4
3-D views of volcanic rocks from explosive eruptions. The cutting plane (in greyscale) displays internal clast textures. Sample labels in parentheses as reported in Table 1 . From the top left, (a) basaltic scoria (Str240506b) from normal explosive active at Stromboli, (b) pumice (Str50403) from paroxysmal explosive activity at Stromboli, (c) scoria (ET201006c) from Mount Etna explosive activity in October 2006, (d) scoria (BBSC9) from the explosive activity of Ambrym (Vanuatu Islands), (e) trachytic scoria (UM1MN4top) and (f) pumice (LMMN2C2) from the Monte Nuovo explosive eruption in AD 1538 (Campi Flegrei caldera). See text for further explanations. In all 3-D views black voids are vesicles, dark and light grey and white objects are crystals and the matrix is intermediate grey. FOV stands for field of view. |