Figure 1
(a) Right valve of a Diplodon ch. patagonicus individual showing different shell structures; a transversal cross section along the minimal growth axis (enlarged) is shown on the left (modified from Soldati et al., 2009 ). (b) Schematic of a shell cross section showing the structural components of a Diplodon valve (not to scale). Reflected light microscopic image showing pairs of light/dark (winter/summer) banding corresponding to one annual increment (c) and highlighted blue (using Alcian blue) annual growth lines (white single arrow, d) dividing each annual growth increment (red double arrow). (e and f) Reflected light confocal microscopy shows that the growth lines (white arrows) are formed by thinner layers of platelets than during the rest of the year (f). (g) Dark-field transmission electron microscopy image of the nacre platelets in a focused ion beam polished sample; image perpendicular to the c-axis of the aragonite platelets. (h–j) Scanning electron microscopy images of a fractured piece of shell showing that the annual increments (h) and the nacre platelets are almost arranged parallel (i) with their base plane perpendicular (j) to the crystallographic c-axis of the crystals. |