Figure 2
Protein diffraction collected at synchrotron sources, then and now. (a) Precession photograph of the hk0 layer of a rubredoxin crystal, taken at the Stanford SSRL storage ring in 1975. The exposure time was 5 h. Careful visual analysis shows differences in intensities of the Friedel mates. (b) Diffraction image from a triclinic crystal of hen egg-white lysozyme taken on beamline 19ID at APS, Argonne, IL, USA. The white lines are due to dead regions between the nine separate panels of a MAR300CCD camera. The image in the middle panel on the right is displayed in enhanced contrast, showing that measurable reflections extend to the edge of the detector at a resolution of 0.65 Å. The exposure time was 5 s with the beam attenuated to 30%. |