Figure 4
(a) Polarized-light optical micrograph of a hydrated potato starch granule section showing a Maltese cross. (b) Composite image composed of `pixels' consisting of diffraction patterns limited to the 100-reflection. A single pattern with the direction of the local fibre axis indicated by an arrow is shown. The patterns were recorded during a raster scan with 4 µm steps of the granule section shown in the same orientation as in Fig. 5(a) . The patterns of the line-scan through the growth centre are discussed in the supplementary information. (c) SEM image of the same granule section after the synchrotron radiation raster experiment. The inset shows the zoomed hole of a single track with dimensions 0.87 µm (PA1-PAR1), 0.97 µm (PA2-PAR2). The orientation of the zoomed hole is the same as in the full image. (d) SEM image of a second raster-scanned granule section. The partially broken section has been tilted to make the tracks running through the whole section visible at the edge. |