Figure 5
(a) 13 × 13 points raster scan with 1 µm increments of a Phajus grandifolius granule after irradiation in the centre of the mesh by a 0.3 µm beam for 30 s. The `pixels' of the composite image are limited radially to the 100-reflection. The spatial extent of structural loss is schematically indicated by a circle. (b) The same composite image but showing integrated 100-intensity `pixels'. (c) Experimental values (rectangles and circles) and Gaussian fits (curves) of the variation of intensity across the irradiated centre. Blue curve/points: 2.5 s irradiation; red curve/points: 5 s irradiation; black curve/points: 30 s irradiation. (d) Width of irradiated zone (FWHM) as a function of t1/2. A linear regression curve has been fitted to the data. Filled circles: horizontal fitted data; plus signs: vertical fitted data; empty circles: horizontal fitted data at t = 5 s with 60 s waiting time before start of raster-scan provide no evidence for continuing structural loss by slow reactive species. |