Figure 6
(a) 161 × 161 points raster microdiffraction scan of Canna edulis granules inside a water-filled capillary with 0.5 µm steps through a 0.3 µm × 0.3 µm beam. Patterns were collected in 0.1 s with a 2 × 2 binned FReLoN CCD. The individual `pixels' of the composite pattern are scaled to the integrated relative intensity of the 100-reflection. (b) The same for a diffuse scattering background determined close to the 100-reflection. The outer shapes of the granules visible in (a) and (b) are indicated by elliptic boundaries. (c) Granules inside the capillary imaged by the beamline microscope. The region scanned is indicated with a prominent granule marked by the arrow. Two raw patterns (i, ii) are shown together with the location and dimensions of the corresponding `pixels' in the composite background pattern (b). |