Figure 9
Examples of galena (G), fibreglass (F) and hollow silver-coated glass beads (B), captured on the mouse tracheal airway surface. Tissues were fixed using perfluorocarbon OsO4, and semi-thin resin sections cut and stained with toluidine blue. Panel (b) labels the relevant airway epithelium structures in a typical cross section; note that not all features are present on all panels. (a) Galena captured on the surface of the epithelial cell layer, and (b) smaller particles within the cell cilia (in the airway surface layer) and embedded in fine mucus strings (not visible here) above the epithelial cells. (c) The distinctive glass beads are captured on the airway surface, and (d) one large bead of approximately 55 µm diameter appears displaced into the airway epithelium. (e) Small fibreglass fibres embedded in the overlying mucus layer. |