Figure 1
Schematic view of the in situ µGISAXS set-up at ID13/ESRF. The experimental layout of the vapor deposition cylinder is also shown, containing two stainless windows transparent to the X-rays and the lysozyme solution typical droplet hanging on the lysozyme two layers deposited over the glass. The cylinder is mounted on an xyz gantry and a two-axis goniometer (ϕx, ϕy). The scan is made in the y direction. αi denotes the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface, αf the corresponding exit angle, and 2ϕ the out-of-plane angle. The flight path (L = 1.15 m) between the sample and the two-dimensional detector is evacuated (10−2 mbar). On the right is shown the typical two-dimensional µGISAXS signal of the lysozyme drop sitting on a layer. |