Figure 2
Discrepancies between actual and predicted dataset quality for the 43 datasets, juxtaposed with crystal properties. Datasets are ordered and labelled as in Fig. 1, and the plots are shaded to correspond to the six groups from that figure; within each group datasets are sorted by increasing resolution. Crystal properties are plotted in the lower panel: connected dots indicate dataset resolution and bars indicate anisotropy [ΔB of the final dataset as reported by PHASER; cubic crystals (indicated) are fully isotropic]. The upper panel plots the differences in the quality metrics (colours in the legend), with positive and negative corresponding, respectively, to over-optimistic and over-pessimistic estimates from BEST. The blue crosses indicate datasets where autoindexing failed, but which succeeded when restarted manually. The red crosses indicate where BEST prediction failed; the hatched columns (3MAO and 3OOY) represent very severe underestimates of the data in the outer shell (Rmeas > 100%). |