Figure 1
Schematic layout of the THz sampling (a) and the ASOXS set-up for the asynchronous X-ray probe set-up. In the THz set-up (a) the IR beamline part is strongly simplified. The laser beam is focused onto the ZnTe crystal (1) between two almost crossed polarizers (2) and a half-wave plate (4) and registered by a photo-receiver (3). A second photo-receiver (5) monitors the laser pulse frequency, which is shifted by a frequency mixer (6) and compared with the synchrotron pulse frequency from the strip line. The phase difference acts as error signal for the feedback loop, which actuates two cavity mirrors. The same loop stabilizes the laser for the ASOXS set-up (b), while the laser excites the sample, which is probed by the X-ray pulses and registered in an APD. |