Figure 4
TXM XANES wizard filtering, edge-jump determination and edge-energy determination as performed on a cross section of iron-rich Roman pottery (Sciau et al., 2011 ). (a) Transmission images recorded below and above the Fe K-edge after alignment and magnification correction. (b) Left: `Combined filter', a binary image (red = 1, white = 0) showing the applied filter based on edge-jump and normalization filtering (see §6.1 and §6.2 for details). Center: `Edge-jump map', an image showing the magnitude of the Fe K-edge jump for each (non-filtered) pixel. This map shows Fe distribution and concentration differences within the analyzed FOV (see §6.1 for details). Right: map of the `Edge energy position', determined as the position of the half-height (0.5) of the normalized edge (see §6.2 for details). For this sample the map shows (at least) two regions of different Fe valence states within the FOV, where the red area has a higher oxidation state than the yellow area. |