Figure 2
Example usage scenario. User `Scott' from the Sliz Laboratory at Harvard collects data at the NE-CAT beamline. It is stored temporarily to a tier 1 staging server in sliz@necat.aps.argonne.gov:/stage/sliz before being archived to tier 2 storage in sliz@necat.aps.argonne.gov:/data/sliz. Scott can use Globus Online to access his data at NE-CAT and transfer it to his personal space on the laboratory file server scott@sliz.harvard.edu:/home/scott or to his own laptop. Other laboratory members can access his data at NE-CAT owing to the mapping of all Sliz Laboratory members to the same system identity. The general public can access public archived data from 2009 in the tier 3 archival storage through a web interface. More recent archived data from 2010 and 2011 is embargoed and not available to the public. |