research papers
Quantitative performance measurements of bent crystal Laue analyzers for
spectroscopyaDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Muğla, Kötekli-Muğla 48187, Turkey, bCenter for Synchrotron Radiation Research and Instrumentation and Department of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616, USA, cQuercus X-ray Technologies, LLC, Oak Park, IL 60304, USA, dConsortium for Advanced Radiation Sources, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA, and eDepartment of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Saskatchewan, 107 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5E5
*Correspondence e-mail:
Third-generation synchrotron radiation sources pose difficult challenges for energy-dispersive detectors for
because of their count rate limitations. One solution to this problem is the bent crystal Laue analyzer (BCLA), which removes most of the undesired scatter and fluorescence before it reaches the detector, effectively eliminating detector saturation due to background. In this paper experimental measurements of BCLA performance in conjunction with a 13-element germanium detector, and a quantitative analysis of the signal-to-noise improvement of BCLAs are presented. The performance of BCLAs are compared with filters and slits.Keywords: X-ray optics; X-ray fluorescence; X-ray spectroscopy; XAFS; bent crystal analyzer; X-ray filters.
1. Introduction
in situ studies of advanced materials, environmental speciation and biology. Studies of dilute species require intense X-ray beams. Scattered background and fluorescence radiation present severe challenges to standard multi-element energy-dispersive detectors because of their limited count rates. For this reason a simple and practical fluorescence analyzer that eliminates most of the background before it reaches the detector was developed. Following initial exploratory measurements (Bunker & Chapman, 1995), Zhong et al. (1999
) reported a theoretical analysis of the behavior of bent Laue optics for the bent crystal Laue analyzer (BCLA) concept. Karanfil et al. (2000
, 2002
) presented the first spectra recorded with a BCLA. Kropf et al. (2003
, 2005
) applied a different implementation of the BCLA concept to actinide materials. Kujala et al. (2011
) published measurements made with a high-resolution implementation of the BCLA concept. Takahashi et al. (2006
) measured XANES of geological samples using BCLAs.
These analyzers typically require beams that are limited in size to approximately 100 µm in one direction (usually vertical) and a millimeter or so in the other direction. Thus, focusing optics on the beamline are beneficial, though not absolutely required. This property makes BCLA a particularly good match for the characteristics of third-generation synchrotron sources, and the small energy bandwidth makes it a uniquely suitable choice for microfocusing beamlines (Barrea et al., 2010).
Here we measure the BCLA performance and use it to estimate the improvement to be gained for various background-to-signal ratios. Experimental measurements of BCLA performance in conjunction with a 13-element germanium detector, and a quantitative analysis of the signal-to-noise improvement of BCLAs are presented.
`Z−1' filters combined with appropriate slits are often useful in to reduce the amount of scattered X-rays that enter the detector. Stern and Heald devised (Stern & Heald, 1979; Koningsberger & Prins, 1988
) this combination with a large-area for dilute studies, a commercial version of which is available as a `Lytle detector' from the Company ( ).
In this paper we also compare the performance of BCLAs and Z−1 filters and slits for the rejection of undesired background in and measurements. In such experiments most of the background consists of elastically scattered photons at the energy of the incident X-ray beam, which is of a higher energy than the fluorescence line of interest. For an element of Z, often the element of Z−1 has an that lies between the fluorescence line of interest and the elastic scatter peak. If a filter made of this element is placed between the sample and the detector, it will absorb the scattered radiation more than the fluorescence. The consequent reduction in background improves the signal-to-noise ratio. The filter itself fluoresces, producing its own background, but that can be reduced by using Soller slits that transmit the fluorescence emerging from the sample but block much of the fluorescence emerging from the filter.
This works well when the background is at a higher energy than the desired fluorescence, but when the source of background is at a lower energy than the fluorescence this approach is useless. This situation occurs when the element of interest is contained in a sample composed of elements that have a slightly lower Z−1 filters provide a low-pass filter, while what is needed in this case is a high-pass filter or, even better, a like the BCLA.
as is often the case in environmental and materials research. The basic problem is that2. BCLA design and set-up
A thin silicon crystal is bent to a specific logarithmic spiral shape (de Broglie & Lindemann, 1914; Sakayanagi, 1982
) and positioned so that it diffracts the desired X-rays at every point along its mid-line, and also a finite region to each side of the mid-line. The Laue geometry is used in which the X-rays propagate through the crystal (this affords the optic good collection efficiency). In polar coordinates (r, θ) the correct logarithmic spiral shape is given by
where ρ0 is the bend radius at the center of the crystal θ = 0, θB is the and χ is the crystal asymmetry angle.
The reflectivity width (Erola et al., 1990) for a ray striking the bent Laue crystal with a thickness T, bending radius ρ, asymmetry angle χ, (energy) θB and Poisson ratio ν is given by
The energy resolution of a BCLA is calculated by the differential form of the Bragg equation as
The diffracted rays are deflected by twice the X–Y stage is used to align the system; a rotation stage is not required (Kujala et al., 2011). Sufficient width is allowed for the transverse opening of the beam. The window size in the frame is defined by this width and the length of crystal that can be obtained (usually ∼10 cm). The crystal is attached by taping the ends to the logarithmic spiral surface of the frame over the window. Since the bender frame is asymmetric (cannot be flipped and has the same shape), the crystal must be put on the frame in the correct orientation to ensure diffraction from the desired planes [usually the (1,1,1)-type planes]. The slit holders are also designed to match the diffracted beam paths. Mounting holes are added along with holes to attach slit holders to the sides. The bent Laue analyzer is designed so that the analyzer can be easily placed at the correct position relative to the fluorescence source (the beam spot on the sample) (Fig. 1a
![]() | Figure 1 (a) Arrows indicate a vertical and a horizontal scan on the X–Y stage to find the optimum analyzer position (the narrowest rocking curve peaks). (b) Photograph of the back view of a bent Laue analyzer optimized for As Kα fluorescence. The material of the pure metal slits (molybdenum) was chosen to minimize slit fluorescence. |
3. Measurements with germanium solid-state detector
We report here a measurement of the performance on the GSE-CARS microfocus beamline ID-13 at the Advanced Photon Source. The sample was a physical mixture of approximately 2% powdered As2O3 on powdered Fe2O3. Platinum-coated horizontal and vertical mirrors in the Kirkpatrick–Baez configuration (Kirkpatrick & Baez, 1948) were used to focus the X-ray beam down to a spot size of 5 µm × 5 µm, and to reject the harmonics. The standard configuration of the beamline uses a 13-element germanium detector, which was used in conjunction with the Laue analyzer. To avoid saturation of the detector, a ∼1 mm-thick polyethylene attenuator was placed in front of the Ge detector. Because of the difference in energy of the iron and arsenic fluorescence, this attenuator alone significantly reduced the proportion of Fe fluorescence.
In order for the Bragg condition to be satisfied over the surface of the crystal, a 75 µm-thick silicon wafer (2.5 cm × 9.0 cm) was bent to a logarithmic spiral shape by constraining the crystal (with 105 mm bending radius at the center, θ = 0°) to the surface of an aluminium form numerically machined (CNC) to the correct shape. A photograph of the analyzer is shown in Fig. 1(b). The crystal covers a solid angle of about 0.11 sr of the sample (As-Kα = 10.543 keV) fluorescence. The asymmetric [1,1,1] reflection of a silicon crystal was used, resulting in a 19.47° asymmetry angle. High-purity molybdenum foils (about 2.3 cm long and 0.25 mm thick) were chosen to block the direct beam but to allow the diffracted beam to pass through unattenuated. Their K (∼20 keV) cannot be excited near the energy of interest, and their L-edge fluorescence is low enough in energy that they would be automatically filtered out by windows. The slits were spaced about 0.6 cm apart from each other (spaced at 3° intervals).
To optimize the analyzer position relative to the sample, rapid two-dimensional scans of the analyzer's horizontal and vertical positions were made. The maximum throughput of the Kα fluorescence was obtained at the same position as the best resolved peaks, indicating that there were no significant form errors in the analyzer crystal. Fig. 2 provides a quantitative measure of the extent of the background reduction, and the extent of the signal reduction by the analyzer, with a point-focused X-ray beam. The dashed line shows measurements performed with the Soller slits in place, and the solid line shows the spectrum with the Soller slits removed (with the crystal). In the first case the detected signal is composed of the diffracted beam. In the second case the signal is composed of diffracted beam, undiffracted beam and background. The multi-channel analyzer spectrum allows us to identify the count rate of each, as shown in Table 1
![]() | Figure 2 Multi-channel analyzer spectrum of arsenic oxide (As2O3) in iron oxide (Fe2O3) taken in 2 min. The dashed line shows measurements performed with the Soller slits in place, and the solid line shows the spectrum with the Soller slits removed (with the crystal). The analyzer effectively removes the Fe fluorescence. |
4. Discussion
4.1. Analysis of the signal-to-noise improvement of BCLAs
The major source of noise in most fluorescence NS) and the scattered background photons (background, NB). Since photon-counting noise scales as the square root of the total photons, (NS + NB)1/2, the signal-to-noise ratio is NS / (NS + NB)1/2 . It is useful to designate the square of the signal-to-noise ratio as the `number of effective counts' (see, for example, Koningsberger & Prins, 1988; Bunker, 2010
), Neff,
The data from Table 1 indicate that inserting the slits into the analyzer reduced the iron background by a factor of 40 (with better shielding the reduction can be greater). On the other hand, the signal reduced by a factor of 2.3, indicating that about 43% of the signal was diffracted without considering the absorption of the silicon crystal. For dilute samples the benefit of reducing the background greatly outweighs the disadvantage of losing signal counts.
This can be quantitatively analyzed in terms of effective counts. Define NS and NB as the signal and background counts that are observed without the analyzer. If the analyzer is used, the signal counts (crystal/slits) are reduced by the reduction factor rS, and the background counts are reduced by the factor rB, where rS and rB are between 0 and 1. In this case the effective counts (in the presence of the analyzer) becomes
By denoting the background-to-signal ratio as A = NB/NS, the ratio of the effective counts to the signal counts (which is a measure of the `efficiency') can be expressed as
Experimental measurements with and without slits indicated a 40-fold background reduction and signal reduction factor of 2.3. This test was carried out because it was the most reliable way to collect precisely the same area with the same proportion of scattered light in both cases (the scattered background is not isotropic). The effect of the crystal absorption is calculated from the known Kα, Fe Kβ and As Kα lines are 34.03, 44.97 and 145.8 µm, respectively. Accounting for the X-ray absorption of the crystal, the reduction factors (with/without the analyzer) are rB = 0.003 and rS = 0.26; that is, the analyzer (crystal plus slits) caused a fourfold reduction of signal but a 330-fold reduction of background. Here, rS = 0.26 also infers that, when considering the absorption of the crystal, the efficiency of the analyzer is 26%. This shows very good agreement with the theoretical calculated nominal reflectivity using the REFLECT computer program, 31% (Etelaniemi et al., 1989).
The efficiency, which we define as the ratio of the effective counts to the raw signal counts, is plotted in Fig. 3 as a function of A. Values of A of the order of 100 are typical for systems that are dilute or have matrices that contribute a large fluorescence background. This figure compares the effective counts as a function of A with the analyzer, and without it.
![]() | Figure 3 The efficiency (Neff/NS) as a function of background-to-signal ratio (A = NB/NS). The solid line shows the case when no BCLA is used, and the dashed line shows the improvement when using the BCLA for dilute systems ![]() |
The effective counts are a function of A, rS and rB: Neff(A,rS,rB). When the background-to-signal ratio A (in the absence of the analyzer) is greater than a specific value, the effective counts will be improved by using the Laue analyzer. The crossover point [obtained by setting Neff(A,rS,rB) = Neff(A, 1, 1)] is easily solved for
= (1 - rS )/(rS - rB/rS). For the case rS = 0.26, rB = 0.003, this gives
3.0. At zero background (A = 0), the effective counts will be better without the Laue analyzer, because the analyzer does attenuate the signal counts by the ratio rS.
The improvement factor (IF) given by equation (7) is a measure of the improvement in the effective counts obtained through the use of BCLA,
A log–log plot of this is shown in Fig. 4. Typical situations encountered in practice would put A between 10 and 100, corresponding to improvement factors of greater than fivefold. Asymptotically, for A → ∞, the improvement factor saturates at a value of rS 2 / rB. For example, with rB = 0.003 and rS = 0.26, this approaches an improvement factor of 22.5. The background rejection in this case is somewhat favorable because of the filtering effect of the silicon, owing to the lower energy of the Fe fluorescence. This is analyzed in more detail in the following section.
![]() | Figure 4 A log–log plot of the improvement factor (IF) versus A = NB/NS. Use of the bent crystal Laue analyzers improves the effective counts and therefore the signal-to-noise ratio. |
4.2. Analysis for a comparison with X-ray filters
At most energies the ρ, Z, Am and X-ray energy E roughly as μ ≃ . spectra are measured by recording, directly or indirectly, the X-ray
, as a function of energy over an of a selected element. Between absorption edges, the absorption coefficients of all elements decrease roughly as 1/E 3. Because of this absorption decrease, attenuators act as high-pass filters, suppressing the background while attenuating the signal to a lesser extent. For this to work effectively, the ratio between the energy of the fluorescence signal and that of the energy of the background must be sufficiently large.
If the energy of the signal and background photons are ES and EB, respectively, and by letting NS
and NB
, where μ(ES) and μ(EB) are the filter absorption coefficients at the energies of the signal and background, then the effective counts in equation (4)
can be expressed as
where A = NB/NS and
The ratio Neff/NS is plotted in Fig. 5(a) as a function of x (filter thickness) for the case of arsenic on iron, using an aluminium attenuator to filter out the low-energy Fe fluorescence background. In this case it can be seen that an attenuator by itself is very advantageous when there is a large amount of background. The optimum thickness is a function of background-to-signal ratio A, which depends on the dilution of the system. The efficiency (effective counts/unattenuated signal counts) evaluated at the optimum attenuator thickness is plotted versus A in Fig. 5(b)
. The almost linear dependence indicates an approximate power law behavior as a function of A.
![]() | Figure 5 (a) The ratio Neff/NS as a function of aluminium filter thickness for the case of arsenic on iron. (b) A log–log plot of optimum thickness versus background-to-signal ratio A. |
If the ratio ES/EB is less than ∼1.3, however, attenuators lose their benefits altogether, and the effective counts are actually decreased if an attenuator is used. The ratio Neff/NS is plotted in Fig. 6 as a function of
for two different values of the energy ratio (1.5 and 2.0).
![]() | Figure 6 The ratio Neff/NS as a function of filter thickness in absorption lengths of the background fluorescence energy for ES/EB = 1.5 (a) and ES/EB = 2.0 (b). |
As an example, the optimum effective counts for 1% arsenic in a gallium sample are plotted versus A in Fig. 7. The shaded region in the plot shows optimum Neff/NS for a few percent arsenic in a gallium sample. Note that in this case efficiency does not exceed 7% while the measured performance using BCLAs is 26%. This demonstrates the clear superiority of the BCLA in such cases.
![]() | Figure 7 A log–log plot of optimum efficiency (Neff/NS) as a function of background-to-signal ratio A for 1% arsenic in a gallium sample. |
5. Conclusion
Bent crystal Laue analyzers perform well and have characteristics that are both competitive with and complementary to existing detector systems. The solid angle of a single analyzer is comparable to a standard 13-element germanium detector at a distance of 10 cm. The reflection efficiency and the absorption reduce the throughput by a factor of approximately four. To achieve the same
as a 13-element germanium detector, multi-element analyzers of the present design or units made from larger silicon wafers can be used. Multiple tiled elements are practical using a simple modular design.BCLAs have particular advantages over filters and slits when there is an intense fluorescence background at a slightly lower energy than the fluorescence line of interest. Under such conditions X-ray filters and slits are ineffective at reducing the background, and BCLAs can serve as a very effective substitute, particularly when a focused beam is available.
Use of the Advanced Photon Source was supported by the DOE, under Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38. GeoSoilEnviroCARS is supported by the US National Science Foundation (EAR-9906456) and US Department of Energy (DE-FG02-94ER14466). Additional support was provided by NIH-R44 RR017123-02.
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