Figure 2
Density profiles derived from the time series in Fig. 1 using the model established by Pasarín et al. (2012 ). We kept the ethanol layer thickness constant. The gap, labeled EtOH-2, between the ethanol that is hydrogen bonded to the calcite interface, EtOH-1, and the bulk ethanol, EtOH-3, is visible during the time series, but its features are not well resolved. This loss of resolution arises because the last oscillation, from q = 1.0 to 1.2 Å−1, is not distinguishable from the background. However, a clear difference is the increase in the density of the two first molecular layers of calcite (∼6 Å) and in the ethanol attached to them (Table 1 ). The y-axis scale directly matches only the 0 min density profile. The other profiles have been shifted by 0.5 g cm−3 each, to allow differences to be seen. |