Figure 3
Sensitivity analysis of the model parameters for treating the data of Fig. 1 . Using the 0 min data set as reference, we varied a single parameter at a time: (a) roughness of the interface between the calcite and the first ethanol later, σCalcite/EtOH-1; (b) thickness of the bulk ethanol, ZEtOH-3; (c) relative density of the two first molecular layers of calcite, ρCalcite, and (d) relative density of the ethanol layer bonded to the calcite, ρEtOH-1. From this analysis we can interpret that an increase in the density of the two first calcite layers is responsible for the flattening of the oscillations and an increase in the density of the first structured ethanol layer decreases the amplitude of the oscillation at q = 1.0 to 1.2 Å−1. Changes in interface roughness and bulk ethanol thickness (EtOH-3) have a negligible effect. |