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Figure 4
Plot of [\rm{ratio}_{\sigma}], the ratio of the relative uncertainties in [\tau^{\rm{relative}} = {\tau{/}{\sigma_{\rm{M}}}}] and [\delta{t}_{\rm{max}}^{\rm{relative}} = {\delta{t}_{\rm{max}}{/}{\sigma_{\rm{M}}}}], with [\delta{t}_{\rm{max}}] the instant at which [\hat{\eta}_{\bf{h}}] is maximal. [\rm{ratio}_{\sigma}] is drawn as a function of [\delta{t}_{\rm{max}}^{\rm{relative}}]. The corresponding [\tau^{\rm{relative}}] values are also given on the x axis. The orange dotted line corresponds to the constant function [\rm{ratio}_{\sigma} = 1].

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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