Figure 2
(a) Copper location within a human THP-1 cell. A glutaraldehyde-fixed and resin-embedded cell section (1 µm) of human THP-1 cells was mounted on a Gilder finder gold grid to obtain the copper image (left) and cell ultrastructure (right). The location of the nucleus in the copper image was determined by the TEM image (labelled with white dots in the SRXRF image). The colour bar at the bottom left corner represents the relative copper area density, with the dark colour symbolizing a lower area density and grading to red symbolizing an increase in the area density. A black scale bar (2 µm) is shown at the bottom right corner. (b) Copper area density in different areas of a THP-1 cell. M and PN represent two higher copper zones in the cytoplasm, plasma membrane area and perinuclear area. An area around the plasma membrane with lowest copper signal was defined as Con1. N1 represents copper in the nucleolus, while Con2 represents the area in the nucleus other than the nucleolus. |