Figure 3
(a) Copper location in the aortic media of a C57B/l mouse. A glutaraldehyde-fixed and resin-embedded cell section (1 µm) of a mouse aorta was mounted on a Gilder finder gold grid to obtain the images of copper (left) and tissue ultrastructure (right). The transmission electron micrograph of the aortic media shows vascular smooth muscle cells (marked SMC) and the collagen (marked C) and elastic layers (marked E). The colour bar at the bottom left corner represents the relative copper area density, with the dark colour symbolizing a lower area density and grading to red symbolizing an increase in the area density. A black scale bar (10 µm) is shown at the bottom right corner. (b) Copper area density in different areas of a mouse aortic media. The cytoplasm of VSMC is defined as Con. N2 represents a regular nuclear area in VSMC. C and E represent collagen and elastin, respectively. |