Figure 2
Experimental set-up on the DEIMOS beamline. (a) 1, superconducting split coil magnet (7 T + 2 T), the sample is located inside the magnet with T = 1.5–370 K; 2, one of the UHV chambers dedicated to in situ sample preparation and analysis; 3, CCD camera. (b) Zoom on the MagSAXS set-up: 3, CCD camera; 4, optical video-microscope; 5, the 300 mm translation. (c) and (d) Schematic top- and side-views, respectively, of the MagSAXS set-up as used on the DEIMOS superconducting magnet. We emphasize the sample position, situated in the center of the superconducting magnet cold bore, supported by the cold finger [the black rod in (d)]. |