Figure 2
Chemical intensity maps of amide II and CH2 absorbance peaks obtained by integration of the respective peaks (amide II: 1588–1483 cm−1; νas CH2: 2931–2913 cm−1). (a)–(c) represent the images obtained from the IR scans performed at the IR Microspectroscopy beamline at the Australian Synchrotron while (d)–(i) are respective images obtained from the IRENI beamline, SRC, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. The intensity of the integrated area of the amide II band [(a), (d) and (g)] and CH2 antisymmetric stretching [(b), (e) and (h)] are shown in consistent colour scale between beamlines, but with the value range compressed for the amide II maps, to enhance the low level of variation, in particular in image (a). RGB (red, green, blue) composite images [(c), (f) and (i)] show the blended presence of amide II and CH2 antisymmetric stretching, with R + G representing long-chain hydrocarbon (wax) and B showing amide II (protein). Map dimensions are: 50 µm × 50 µm [(a)–(c)], 104 µm × 104 µm [(d)–(f)], 138 µm × 35 µm [(g)–(i)]. |